Getting married in Cyprus is not difficult however make it your priority to fully understand the legal requirements.
The Cyprus legal requirements including the necessary documentation and the process to be followed in respect of getting married in Cyprus are outlined below. Please keep in mind that it is intended to be a starting point and guideline only.
Although much care and effort has been taken to ensure the information provided is correct please do not take it as legal advice. I strongly advise you to consult the Embassy or High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus for first-hand information.
Please Note: Required documentation and the process in respect of the Cyprus legal requirements for getting married may vary from nationality to nationality.
Essential Facts
- Civil ceremonies take place in the Town Hall or at authorised venues which have a licence (additional fee applicable)
- There is a 3 day minimum residency period with a “Special Licence” (additional fee)
- Your marriage application must be made in person to the Marriage Officer at the Municipality of your choice
- The wedding ceremony will be conducted in English
- For a Catholic ceremony to be legally binding it must be preceded by a civil ceremony
Legality of Marriage
Marriages performed in Cyprus are internationally recognised and legally binding.
Residency Requirements
You must be resident in Cyprus for 3 clear working days prior to your wedding day.
Note: the 3 days is only applicable if you apply to the Marriage Officer for the issue of a Special Licence (additional fee). If you do not apply for the special licence your marriage cannot be celebrated until 15 clear days after you submit your Notice of Marriage and you will need to be resident in Cyprus for approximately 20 days.
Marriage Application
To get legally married in Cyprus but you must make your marriage application in person to the Marriage Officer at the Municipality of your choice after you arrive in Cyprus. When making your application you must present the original required documentation listed below. Your wedding must take place within three months at the latest, from the date the notice is given.
Required Documentation
All documentation is required to be original and translated into English by the relevant authorities.
Post Brexit 31 December 2020 all documentation (with the exception of passports) must be stamped with an apostille, by the relevant authorities.
All documents must be taken with you to Cyprus and submitted in person to the Marriage Officer at the Municipality of your choice, a minimum of 3 working days prior to your wedding taking place.
The following documentation for both the bride and groom is required to be presented when applying for a marriage licence in Cyprus.
- Full passport with minimum validity of six months.
- Photocopies of the picture page of the passports of the bride and the groom
- Photocopies of the picture page of the passports for your two witnesses, listing their name, address and occupation
- Full Birth Certificate (showing mother and fathers names), bearing the stamp apostille
- If you are divorced – Decree Absolute and previous Marriage Certificate, bearing the stamp apostille
- If you are a widower – Death Certificate of previous spouse and previous Marriage Certificate, bearing the stamp apostille
- Name Change Deed Poll Certificate – if applicable, bearing the stamp apostille
- Adoption Certificate – if applicable, Non UK Citizens Certificate of No Impediment / Certificate of Freedom to Marry bearing the stamp apostille
- Scottish and Welsh citizens must also obtain a Certificate of No Impediment / Certificate of Freedom to Marry bearing the stamp apostille
- UK Citizens Sworn affidavit or statutory declaration from a Solicitor or a Commissioner for Oaths or a Notary Public in UK. NOTE: The document must use the wording “Solicitor” or “Notary Public” on the headed company paper and the company stamp, bearing the stamp apostille
My full name is …………… and I reside at ………………
My nationality is …………….
My passport number is ……………. date of issue ………………………..
My religion is ……………………
I ………………… do declare that I am single / divorced / widowed and now free of any bond of engagement or marriage and can lawfully enter into this my first / second marriage.…………………. (declarant’s signature)
Declared this ……………… (date)
at …………………. (Solicitor’s address)
before me ………….. (solicitor’s name)
…………………. (solicitor’s signature)
Solicitor’s / Notary’s stamp
Religious Ceremonies
If you are planning a religious ceremony the above Cyprus legal requirements and procedure needs to be followed but you will also need to contact the Registered Minister of the Church where you plan to get married to make the extra arrangements required for a religious ceremony.
Note: A Catholic ceremony is not legally binding unless you first have a civil wedding ceremony.
If you have an Anglican wedding ceremony you are not required to have a civil wedding ceremony.
Certificate of Marriage
Your marriage licence and all paperwork will be issued in English and will be valid in your home country. Additional certified copies can be obtained on payment of the relevant fee.
According to Cypriot Law, the Marriage Officer will forward a certified copy of your Certificate of Marriage to the Embassy or the Consulate of your home country (if they are located in Cyprus).
Plan a Wedding in Cyprus
I hope the above information has been a helpful starting point. On Weddings Abroad Guide we promote the services of some fantastic wedding planners who can help you create a unique wedding day that reflects your individual style and personality. To connect with wedding planners in one easy step use the form below and your enquiry will be forwarded to the relevant wedding planners who work in Cyprus. Click here to learn more.
Find a Wedding Planner in Cyprus
Additional Details
For more information on the type of wedding ceremony you may have in Cyprus click here.
For information in respect of same-sex marriages in Cyprus click here.
Hot Tips!
Sophie who got married in Cyprus found out the hard way.”When we went to the town hall to hand in our documents and it turned out I only had the copy of my divorce papers and not the original.So I had to get my solicitor to Fed-Ex it out to us. Therefore I would definitely recommend that couples make sure they have the correct paperwork and find out exactly what the Cyprus legal requirements are.”
Further Information
Detailed information may be obtained directly from any Municipality or from the Union of Cyprus Municipalities.
P.O. Box 22033, CY 1516 Lefkosia (Nicosia)
For further information on the Cyprus legal requirements contact the Cypriot Embassy or High Commission in your country of residence.
A full listing of Cypriot Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices can be found on the following link: Cypriot Embassy or Diplomatic Mission in your country
Getting Married in Cyprus – First Steps
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Requirements are subject to change in accordance with the laws of Cyprus. Information updated as at June 2015