I’ll Help Make your Search for the Perfect Wedding Photographer & Videographer Quicker, Easier and Successful…
Below you will find all the Destination Wedding Photographers & Videographers who are listed in our Directory. Each is willing to travel (most worldwide), but to make things a little easier I’ve listed them under the country where they reside. They will all have their own travel policy, so if you’re planning on flying in your photographer or videographer of choice don’t forget to request a breakdown of their travel fees and other relevant details.
Click through to their individual profiles or …or if you’d like to make things a little quicker, fill in the form below and we’ll send your enquiry to the Destination Wedding Photographers you’ve selected, they will then get in touch with you directly…simple and easy!
Destination Wedding Photographers & Videographers
Destination Wedding Photographers & Videographers
Important Note: This form will be automatically forwarded to the wedding photographers (& additional services) selected, we will then forward you a handy spreadsheet to help you collate and evaluate your responses. If you would prefer to individually choose which wedding photographers to contact, you can do so here.
Hot Tip: Ask for the photographers travel diary, you may find that they are working in the country or neighbouring country around the time of your wedding, which will greatly reduce the cost of any travel fees.
Find a Destination Wedding Photographer / Videographer
The Importance of Finding the Right Destination Wedding Photographer & Videographer
I believe that a Destination Wedding Photographer & Videographer are one of the most important suppliers you will choose for your wedding, however more often than not the criteria for selecting them is cost. My advice would be make this one area where you are not willing to compromise. Select a Destination Wedding Photographer & Videographer whose photographs and wedding films have the power to fill you with emotions, to make you laugh, cry and gasp with surprise long after your wedding day has passed! To help this part of your planning go smoothly, don’t forget to download my Wedding Abroad Photography Checklist.
The Easy Way to Contact our Destination Wedding Photographers & Videographers
When you fill in the form above it will be sent to the selected Wedding Photographers & Videographers who are members of my Destination Wedding Directory, they will then directly contact you back.
I appreciate that your inbox may get a little busy, so I recommend emailing a quick one line reply back to each Destination Wedding Photographer or Videographer who contacts you letting them know you have received their email, and then take your time to respond in more depth to the suppliers that spark your attention. Because wedding photography and videography is so personal I suggest you take a bit of time, and browse each photographers and videographers profile individually.
Hot Tips! – Wedding Photography Contracts
The LEGAL implications of a wedding photography contract and what you should look for in the small print!