Be confident with the decisions and choices you make when planning your wedding abroad.
I had just finished writing a page about a great tool I had recently discovered, a nifty little piece of software called Choose It! that can help out with the many decisions and choices you will need to make when planning your wedding abroad.
However, when writing the page it seemed to be one long process of constant editing. I was changing words, cutting out paragraphs, adding them in again, then completely re-writing the added paragraphs.I am sure you get the picture, I was literally going around and around in circles. (Maybe you can relate to this with some of the ideas and plans for your wedding abroad!).
However just when I thought the page was finally finished, the light went on and it suddenly dawned on me, the reason I had spent so much time editing the page, the page that would have been here in place of this one, is that I had slightly missed the mark in trying to convey why I thought this little piece of software could be so incredibly useful in planning your wedding abroad.
And here’s why:
With the very best intentions all the information in this website is carefully thought out, I try to provide you with the best, most useful and accurate information I can. In addition I aim to give the website a personal touch to show that there is a real person behind the words you are reading, a person who sincerely cares about trying to help you create the most amazing wedding abroad.
However, although I try to provide you with a lot of independent information and advice, even with the best intentions this information can be subjective. And just because something was right and worked for me or someone else doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be right for you.
To better illustrate my point:
A few months back I received an email from a bride-to-be, it was quite a specific email asking for my opinion on different wedding abroad destinations. In short, she had laid out 4 very different destinations each with carefully constructed thoughts on the type of wedding she could have in each destination.
Her question to me – which one did I think she should choose?
Although I spent time thinking about her question I immediately knew which one I would choose. Without trying to sound too biased I gave her my opinion but I suggested she really think about what was important to her, what would make her the happiest on her wedding day.
I received a reply to my email and in actual fact, this reply had a profound impact on me. In shedding a little light on her situation and the reason for her different destination choices I was able to see things in a new way, it made me realise that although we may have all decided to get married abroad our reasons for doing so are diverse and compounded with many different requirements and emotions.
Once I fully understood her situation and what was important to her and her fiancé, I was able to look at her question more objectively.
It was an important lesson and as much as I aim to give you a guiding hand in planning your wedding, it is you who has to make the final decisions and choices about what will be right for you and your wedding abroad.
Behind every decision you make, you will be weighing up the pros and the cons and giving each a measure of importance. Measuring what is important is very personal and it is not something anyone else can do for you.
This is where I think Choose It! is a very clever piece of software. It helps bring clarity, your own clarity, to the decisions you need to make. No matter what the decision is, however big or small, wedding or non-wedding related it helps you make decisions based on your priorities and requirements. The results you get from the question you put to Choose It! are entirely derived from you, and this I believe is the beauty of the tool.
Try it out, it really works and I believe it will give you the confidence that you are making the right decisions for your wedding abroad.
Click here to give it a try.
Or if you would like a helping hand to get you started here is a quick example of how you can use Choose it!.
Step 1: Put your question to Choose It!
Q. How should we plan our wedding abroad?
Step 2: List your Possible Answers
- Plan it ourselves
- Use a Wedding Planner
- Use a Tour Operator
- Combination of plan it ourselves & Wedding Planner
Step 3: List what you consider is important in planning your wedding. For example:
- Maintaining some level of control over the planning
- Being very hands-on with the planning
- Not having to worry about the little planning details
- Being able to find unique and interesting venues
- Being legally married
- Stress-free planning
- Creating a unique and personalised wedding
- Getting good value for money
- Keeping costs down
- Having someone co-ordinate the day to ensure everything runs smoothly.
Next Steps
- Continue to follow the prompts and rate your responses honestly to get the most accurate answer for you.
I’m sure you have a vast array of questions you can put to Choose It! – go ahead and give it a try.